Canadian Medical Assessment of JINARC™ Outcomes Registry



This study is part of the Health Canada approval requirement for tolvaptan and is an observational, non-interventional study (NIS) describing the impact of tolvaptan on ADPKD-related burden of illness as measured with a set of Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) Questionnaires. The study is also describing the time to renal replacement therapy (RRT), such as dialysis and transplantation, and the long-term mortality rate and causes (i.e. renal and hepatic), in ADPKD patients treated with tolvaptan (JINARC™).


Inclusion criteria:

  • ADPKD patients ≥18 years old at the time of tolvaptan initiation
  • The treating physician must have reached the decision to treat the patient with tolvaptan as per the Canadian Product Monograph prior to and independently of soliciting the patient to participate in the study
  • The patient or legal guardian must have signed an informed consent indicating the understanding of the study and allowing the use of their anonymous data for the purposes of the study


Exclusion Criteria:

  • Does not understand or refuses to sign the informed consent
  • Any contraindications to the use of tolvaptan as specified in the Canadian Product Monograph
  • Any condition which, as per the judgment of the treating physician, prohibits them from participating in the study




Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

London, Ontario, Canada

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Greenfield Park, Quebec, Canada

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Rimouski, Quebec, Canada


Contact information:
Annick Laplante

+1 514-332-3137