Study and Management of Cystic Complications in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (COMPLIK)
This study aims to fill gaps in understanding common, impactful cyst-related complications in PKD (beyond kidney failure), like cystic infections, pain, and blockages. It will gather data on frequency, diagnosis challenges, and current, inconsistent management, paving the way for improved care for all PKD patients.
Eligibility Criteria
- 18 years and older
- Patient with ADPKD participating in Genkyst study
- Patient with at least one cystic complication. The cystic complications retained are the following:
- Acute or chronic cyst-related pain requiring analgesic treatments
- Cyst infection
- Intracystic hemorrhage
- Urinary lithiasis
- Functional complaints related to the cystic mass: digestive disorders with eating disorders, undernutrition, diaphragmatic compression phenomena, portal hypertension, umbilical or linea alba hernias, ventrations
- Need for a cystic reduction procedure: puncture, marsupialization, open surgery (including preparation for grafting)
Additional inclusion/exclusion criteria will apply.
- Yannick LE MEUR
Brest, France